Sunday, December 26, 2010

thank God that's over...

Christmas 2009..... I barely survived.

Yesterday was a rough one for me. I had not fully recovered from the week's earlier activities (Cheryl coming home from the hospital and such) and paid fir it by being in pain for most of the day and during the night as well.

Even now (8:00 PM on the 26th) I am still suffering from a lot of lower back pain as well as sciatic pain in one or both legs.

I have ab RFA procedure scheduled for Monday so maybe I will recover from the holiday before being knocked on my butt for another 4 days...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Diabetic Diet

I have no idea who invented the diet but they ought too be shot.

Actually it isn't that bad. Due to the fact that there are some diabetics in the family the decision was made (I didn't get a vote) to put everyone on a diabetic diet.

I really don't have a problem with being on it fir several reasons. First of all it will force those preparing my plate for me limit my rations. I've been telling them forever that I would be just as satisfied with half as much.

Next, with so many members of the Eaton family having diabetes, it isn't a bad idea fir me to be on such a diet.

Finally, it gave me some motivation to begin tracking my calorie intake and weight with an iPhone app that I have had for a while but not really used on a regular basis.

The good news is that my calorie intake is averaging about 2,000 per day and I ought to be at my target weight of 220 sometime in 2012.... LOL

Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's been a while...

After upgrading my phone I had a devil of a time (and, quite honestly not much time when I was coherent enough to work on it) of getting my iPhone's blogger app to allow me access to publish blogs.

I had actually written several since the last one but ultimately had to delete that blog (this losing the unpublished blogs) so here I am with a lot if catching up to do.

So, let's start at the top. Even though I am slightly more coherent than in the past it still takes a ton of editing to communicate through text. While telling heavily on the iphone's autocorrect feature I still find myself so out of it that I do things such as spelling even the simplest 4-4 letter words wrong and spend as much time editing what I have written then the time it took to write it in the first place.

Cheryl lost her 4+ year battle with the MRSA in the boned of her left foot and had everything in front of her leg amputated several weeks ago. right now she is having to wear a prototype brave a few hours a Fay and then when she sleeps at night to keep her heel and what small part of her foot is remaining from rolling to the side. (an additional surgery to cut her Achilles tendon would be a permanent fix but they ate trying to avoid any more surgery. once her foot is stabilized they will give her the prosthetic they have already fitted for.

After what was close to 18 months of unemployment Chris got hired at a local computer store (there goes our transportation to the doctor...) and is averaging over 50 hours a week. We barely see him any longer.

To end on a high note, Carl and Bonnie had a baby girl (7 PBS 8 oz, 19" long) named Carlimae Elizabeth about 6 weeks ago. She is a beautiful baby and I look forward to the times that they bring her down on the weekends.

So now I am all caught up. As far as what the future holds, I have applied for Social Security Disability and am waiting on a decision from them. the LTD folks have a lawyer standing by to assist in the appeal if it comes to that. Meanwhile I go nowhere except to doctor's offices and am still getting regular injections in my spine.

As Bugs Bunny says, "That's all folks...." Now it's time fire to take my morning meds so don't expect anything near this coherent for the rest of the day.,.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Pain off the charts

for the last 10-14 days my pain level is so high that my BZp was up almost 50 points. I had hoped that the epidurals I got on Wednesday (the 11th procedure since my Cobra went into effect 13 months ago) but, for now anyway, the pain seems to have gotten worse instead of better. at this point I can't even walk without using my walker and need help even rolling over in bed.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

When you hurt too much to fish....

The crappie are biting - and I mean really biting. My son brought my dad down last night to do some crappie fishing. My dad caught 3 and my son & I split the remaining 69 keepers.

the problem is that I started hurting after only 90 minutes of sitting in my wheelchair and, despite the fact that I didn't do that much walking, both my back as well as my right knee hurt so bad that I barely slept last night and am in too much pain to even think about joining them tonight.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Anger Management

Recent (the past month or do) increases in my pain levels have led to a corrosponding increase in the irritability and anger I feel. It has reached the point where family members are beginning to avoid me and are hesitant to even be in the same room with me or talk to me.

I had to see the doc today to get disability paperwork filled out so I asked them to give me some anger management meds. I have to follow up with them in a month to see if I need changes in the dosage or maybe try a different medication.

Friday, February 12, 2010

It's been a while

It has been several weeks since my last post so let's play catch-up for a sec before I talk about me.

First of all my wife has been fighting a MRSA infection in her left foot for months now. She initially underwent surgery to remove the last joint of her big toe and then came home for 6 weeks of IV antibiotics via a pick line. (to make it easier to care for her she stayed with her mom so that others could help her as needed.) Roughly 3 weeks later the infection came back and they discovered that it was on one of the larger bones that runs from her ancke to the toes along the top of the foot.

They started the whole routine again (including another 6 weeks of antibiotics at home) and she completed that course of treatment about 3 weeks ago. She was suddenly hit with inflamation, sewlling, and intense pain in her other ;eg yesterday (Thursday) morning and taken to the ER. They verified that she had no blood clot in her leg and began treatment for an assumed return of the same infection. The infectious disease doc has been out of town but will be checking her out later this morning.

Meanwhile, within a few short days of Cheryl being released to come home from the hospital the first time around, her dad had a major stroke. After bouncing back and forth from the rehab facility to the hospital he came down with septic shock and we almost lost him. He is currently at home being treated by hospice.

To make things even more hectic the family has lost 3 friends or family members in the last few weeks. All these things that have been going on has helped me put my problems into perspective and realize that things could be a lot worse.

So.. just how am I doing? When it became apparent that Cheryl would require a second round of antibiotics I made the move from my house to my inlaw's house to make things easier on those that were helping her out as well as assisting me wiht meals and such. While that sounded like a good idea on paper, the end result is that I am spending my waking hours in a recliner rather than all my time in bed and the level of pain in my back as well as th esciatic pain in both legs have really ratcheted up a few notches. I am back to taking 3-4 loratab as well as a couple of Percocet on a regular basis (those are daily dosges) and quite often am still in too much pain to sleet. For example it is currently 6:30 AM and I have only been able to sleep for 3 hours (heavily medicated ones) since early yesterday morning.

Compared to my father-in-law or the family members that have been lost in the past few weeks I guess I can honestly say that, as much pain as I am in, at least I am still here and things could be a lot worse.